Encouraging our children to get into the habit of brushing their teeth for two minutes twice a day – every day – can be challenging.
But in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, nearly half (43%) of children aged eight have signs of tooth decay, so it’s vital we persevere.
There are lots of free apps for parents to download that can help make brushing fun and adding this extra level of interactivity can help children form better brushing habits.
Some apps include timers or songs that help children stick around for the full two minutes, while others provide fun, instructional videos about brushing technique.
Electric toothbrushes can remove up to twice as much plaque as manual brushes, so it could be seen as a good investment for your child to have one. Research by the Oral Health Foundation shows that many children prefer electric toothbrushes simply because they feature a popular character or are in their favourite colour.
Twice daily toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste is important because it removes plaque. If the plaque isn’t removed, it continues to build up, causing tooth decay and gum disease.
Visit the Oral Health Foundation’s website at www.dentalhealth.org or call the charity’s Dental Helpline on 01788 539780 for advice and information about toothbrushing for children.